…of the new war on wrongthink. Plus thoughts on Trump’s narcissism, which if he loses, will be the reason.
Category Archives: Education
The Latest Misanthropy
I posted this on Twitter, but not here. But Glenn picked it up.
[June 26th update]
Bob Zubrin has read the book, so we didn’t have to. His review is sort of…excoriating.
To J. K. Rowlings
These LGBTQalphabet activists are out of their minds.
Mordor, USA
Whatever Happened To Whats-His-Name?
An interesting disquisition on Milo, Beethoven, and a Chinese pianist. I haven’t listened to the performance yet.
The Madness Of King Woke
And what happens when the madness ends?
Yes, it is long past time to defund it. The taxpayers should not have to pay for lefty agitprop.
Mob-Mentality-Of-The-Left Week
…in education. What starts in education, eventually bleeds out into the rest of society.
[Sunday-morning update]
The white-guilt cult.
The Statues Coming Down
Why the right foresaw it.
This isn’t about anti-racism; it’s about western civilization itself.
[Update a few minutes later]
Sorry, I see that it’s paywalled. Ed Driscoll has an excerpt.
Soft Totalitarianism
The Sovietization of American culture.
[Update a few minutes later]
A conservative pretends that there is allowable debate in America.
[Update late morning]
Black Lives Matter must be beyond criticism. Professor Jacobson is clearly guilty of wrongthink.
[Update Friday morning]
We refuse mob rule.
Kurt Schlichter certainly refuses to bow before them.