Category Archives: Education

The Winds Of Wokeness

Will Joe Biden survive them?

I hope not.

[Update Sunday morning]

It’s all about November 3rd.

“Everything that is happening between now and November 3 is about November 3. But the fundamental choice is not really Donald Trump or Joe Biden. It is civilization and America on one side, anarchy and woke tyranny on the other. The Democrats thought they could ride the tiger to victory. Instead, they will be consumed by the monster they created but could not control.

[Afternoon update]

The absolute power of cancel culture corrupts absolutely.

The Cultural Revolution Continues

Thoughts from Jonathan Turley on canceling Steven Pinker.

[Update a while later]

The Woke mob’s “reign of terror” moment.

[Afternoon update]

Bob Zimmerman is genuinely concerned that genocide is coming to America.

There are still a few people alive who remember what happened in Germany in the thirties, and no one in the twenties could have imagined it could happen. The irony, of course, is that the people most likely to do this think that Trump is Hitler.