This history is not taught much in American schools.
Category Archives: Education
Some interesting thoughts. I’m a somewhat aggressive independent thinker. Elon is way out on that spectrum.
Baby, please come back.
This virus has been like a wildfire, sweeping through education, academia, and blue cities. It took technological and social trends that were already happening, and rapidly accelerated them, and now they’re smoldering ashes. I don’t think any of them will ever be the same again. And that’s not a bad thing.
The Virus
…has been oversold.
At some point, the people will simply rebel.
And a depressing post from Virginia Postrel about “the new normal.”
[Update a few minutes later]
In which the former editor of Reason magazine is called a “lefty Marxist.”
Pushback Against THe Democrats’ Overreach
Has it begun?
There’s a mountain of evidence that it’s effective.
How many people have died due to this latest Trump derangement?
The Truth Of Racism
Yes, there are always going to be people (often crazy people) who think you are a racist. That doesn’t mean you are one.
[Noon update on Friday]
The racialist American media is preparing us for a new civil war.
The Preservation Of The Republic
Democrats always start a civil war when someone threatens to take away their slaves.
…is the natural product of our educational system.
Fortunately, as noted there, the pandemic has done much to pop that bubble, and make people rethink the whole thing. To the degree that government funding is involved, we need to start funding students, not systems.
[Update a while later]
Woke colleges are an assembly line for conformity.
The Woke
Why they won’t debate you. As noted there, there is nothing liberal about them.