Category Archives: Education


Bob Zimmerman writes that we’re about to find out who our real friends are.

[Update a while later]

Fascism comes to the U.S.

It’s been coming for decades.

It’s been on its way for decades. It seems to have finally arrived. The question is: What to do about it?

Fortunately, their hold on Congress is probably too tenuous for them to ram through the things they need to cement their power, and I suspect that the intraparty divisions this spring (and even late winter) will be brutal, and something for those who value liberty and the Constitution to take advantage of.

Covid Life In LA

Our experience has been quite similar to Virginia Postrel’s, and we feel very fortunate. I can’t imagine how terrible it must be to be cramped in an apartment with too many people, or what a nightmare this has been for parents with children. I haven’t seen divorce statistics for the year, but I’m sure they must be record level.

Joe Biden’s Climate Idiocy

Mike Shellenberger fact checks it.