A long but interesting essay on the intrinsic anti-Semitism of the Woke.
Category Archives: Education
The Real Winners, And Losers
An analysis from Joel Kotkin.
If Trump Is Going Down
…he should take the swamp monsters down with him.
Yes. And it wouldn’t preclude him from another run in 2024.
The Office Apocalypse
Covid didn’t cause this so much as accelerate it. These trends were inevitable. And when it comes to education, this is good news. Start funding students, and not “school systems.”
American Universities
Just how corrupt are they?
Too corrupt.
The Student-Loan Problem
A modest proposal: Make the universities pay.
They’ve gotten away with this madness for far too long.
[Afternoon update]
Did you know about the ignorance of college students?
A Never Trumper
…is feeling pushed toward Trump. Even though I’m not religious, I agree with much of this.
[Update a few minutes later]
A momentous election:
Donald Trump may be an odd ambassador of freedom. His motley may not pass muster in the salons and drawing rooms of our lords and masters. But Joe Biden is but a gibbering front for a vanguard that would destroy America as traditionally conceived—America, I mean, as a crucible of ordered liberty, limited government, and individual freedom.
The Lockdowns
Were not just immensely destructive to human capital, but probably ineffective.
[Update a couple minutes later]
A child psychologist on the devastating impacts to young children of the pandemic response.
Shelby Steele
But it wasn’t “liberalism.” It was leftism.
The Lies Of The Left
America is drowning in them.
[Update a few minutes later]
America held captive by pandemic lies.
Note: Yes, I am posting, but I’m still preparing for my deposition, which is tomorrow.