Category Archives: Education

John Kerry

He’s back, in all of his tone-deaf glory.

Forget the fact that to first order, there are no solar-panel manufacturers here. Has anyone done an economic analysis of shifting from a high-density energy source to a low one? Kerry et al say that solar-panel production is the one in which jobs are growing fastest, but that’s meaningless outside the context of how many there are, or how low labor productivity they are in energy production, compared to gas and oil. It’s easy to grow something that is minuscule fast, but that doesn’t solve the problems of all the people Biden just threw out of work.

The Republican Party

has failed us.

Kristi Noem is the female Ronald Reagan, and she may be the second, if not the first woman president.

[Update a while later]

Yes, as pointed out in comments, the first elected woman president. And she may be the first, period, if Demented Joe manages to hang on for four years (or something happens to Harris before something happens to Joe).

The Revolution

devours all before it.

The Board also voted to change the name of Roosevelt Middle School, even though no one was sure whether it was named after Theodore Roosevelt or Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Better safe than sorry. By the way, the Board does not have new names chosen for the schools. It just wants to get rid of the old ones.”

Just number them. That’s what the Soviets did, after all.

Words Of Division

Heather McDonald, on Biden’s inaugural address.

Do they seriously believe this post-modern campus-speak and white bashing is going to unify us (not that I agree with the goal)?

[Update late morning]

Against unity.

You know who likes unity? Tyrants.

[Friday-morning update]

Biden’s militarized inauguration showcased Democrats’ insecurity.

[Update a while later]

Link fixed, sorry.

The Tragedy Of Trump’s Presidency

I largely agree with Andy McCarthy’s requiem. Trump has always been his own worst enemy. I have no hope for the Biden/Harris presidency, other than taking back the House, and perhaps the Senate, in two years. But they’ll only be able to do damage with executive orders, because I think that both houses are already gridlocked, though with nominal Democrat control.