We should not ignore the commonalities.
Related: The wokists aren’t just a reprise of previous enemies. As he notes, they hate America.
We should not ignore the commonalities.
Related: The wokists aren’t just a reprise of previous enemies. As he notes, they hate America.
They obviously want open borders, but refuse to admit it.
…replaces baseball as the national pastime.
What we need is a coalition of the unwoke.
The great awokening:
[Update a while later]
I hadn’t been aware that Neill Ferguson had married Ayaan Hirsi Ali, apparently in 2011.
[Late-afternoon update]
…is too risky.
Someone should write a book about that.
Thoughts on California’s deranged revival of them.
I remember when Nancy moved up there. She told us she was planning it at a Halloween party in 2003 at the late Cathy Seipp’s place.
There’s not much science behind it.
The idiot politicians in Sacramento don’t seem to know the first rule of holes.
They were a policy disaster.