A blueprint for parents everywhere.
More thoughts from Gail Heriot.
A blueprint for parents everywhere.
More thoughts from Gail Heriot.
It’s not one to celebrate, but to commemorate. Particularly when so many of our elected “leaders” seem oblivious to that history.
Thoughts on the fascists who call themselves “anti-fascists.”
…have lost their prestige.
You don’t say.
It’s just more junk science, that has wrecked state and local economies.
A depressing, but probably correct analysis (scare quotes because they’re leftists, not liberals).
Celebrating half a century of failed predictions.
[Update a couple minutes later]
John Kerry, moron: ” ‘Even if we get to net zero, we still need to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere,’ Kerry said. ‘This is a bigger challenge than a lot of people have really grabbed on to yet.’ “
I wonder if he knows that without CO2 in the atmosphere, almost all life on earth would die?
What a disaster. I wonder how long Lileks will hold out?
…summarized in one (long) sentence.