Category Archives: Education
The Anti-Semitism
A Piece Of Work
So she’s offered tenure that she doesn’t deserve for her appalling ahistorical divisive thesis, and she turns it down.
Newsom And The California Democrats
…may have outsmarted themselves.
Let’s hope.
On Independence Day
We now have an American government that is actively waging war on our liberty, but as Hannah Cox writes, true Americans were always extremists.
[Update a couple minutes later]
On this 4th of July, we must rekindle the sacred fire of freedom.
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“Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist?”
I am concerned that Jack and Zuck think that 1984 is a how-to manual.
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Should we draft the next Congress?
It would be hard to do worse.
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What the Declaration of Independence said and meant.
Brainwashing The Kids
Don’t let the left get away with it.
The New Clerisy
Yes, “faith in science” is an oxymoron.
Conscious Choice
Bob Zimmerman’s new book is out. I blurbed it.
When it is in the interest of the state, the state will create more.
Not only is it a religion, but it’s a sh***y religion.