They don’t want to persuade you; they want to humiliate and rule you.
Category Archives: Education
The Transformation Of America
…and the rage that orchestrates it. It’s an infuriating history.
“Facing Reality”
Razib Khan has a long but interesting review of Charles Murray’s new book.
Tucker To Hungary
…Nixon to China. A long but worthwhile essay by Rod Dreher.
Ignoring Them
…is the only way out of the mask and lockdown lunacy.
The Newsom Recall
Yes, it could actually happen. And Larry Elder has a good shot at it. That would be amazing, because he’s not the girly boy Ahnald turned out to be. The problem, of course, is that the Democrats have supermajorities in both houses, so his vetoes might not stand up. That’s not fixable until next year (if then).
[Update a few minutes later]
Newsom is nervous.
The Latest CDC Mask Idiocy
There is no science to support it (and there’s not much to support masks in general).
This pandemic is over. Time to start treating it like any other bug that we live with.
…if they hadn’t lied to us for the past eighteen months.
It does require a lot of imagination.
The Dissident California Right
We’ll know there’s a scintilla of hope if we can toss Newsom in September.
Calling Leftists “Liberal”
Ten reasons you shouldn’t do it.
I’ve been refusing to do it for many years.