“Why we are being called domestic terrorists.”
Category Archives: Education
Atlas Is Starting To Shrug
It’s too late tonight for me to link for the evidence of this, but I’m sure that commenters can find plenty of evidence. The ports are only one example.
Merrick Garland
…prepares to march on Concord.
I’m old enough to remember when we were told he was a “moderate.” This will not end well.
[Update a couple minutes later]
The parents strike back.
[Afternoon update]
Heroic FBI agent tackles parent concerned about his child’s education.
[Late-night update]

And Jews Will Still Vote Democrat
Thoughts on the continuing acceptance of the anti-Semitism of the Left.
MIT Abandons Its Mission
“…and me.”
This isn’t just Heinlein’s crazy years. As he notes, it is totalitarianism.
The “Renewable” Fallacy
“…and why I blame Jimmy Carter.“
Left-To-Right Political Change
Thoughts from NEO on the social costs.
I was talking to a college roommate about this yesterday, though in his case it wasn’t so much a political change — he’s always been libertarianish — so much as the costs of coming out now.
How It Might End
Liberty is fragile thing, with many enemies.
The Democrats
Let them destroy each other.
As Napoleon said, never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.
The Biden Administration
As she notes, it is very Soviet. The alphabet networks and the New York Times are their Pravda.