…prepares to march on Concord .
I’m old enough to remember when we were told he was a “moderate.” This will not end well.
[Update a couple minutes later]
The parents strike back .
[Afternoon update]
Heroic FBI agent tackles parent concerned about his child’s education .
[Late-night update]
Thoughts on the continuing acceptance of the anti-Semitism of the Left.
“…and me .”
This isn’t just Heinlein’s crazy years. As he notes, it is totalitarianism.
Thoughts from NEO on the social costs.
I was talking to a college roommate about this yesterday, though in his case it wasn’t so much a political change — he’s always been libertarianish — so much as the costs of coming out now.
Act I .
Liberty is fragile thing, with many enemies.
Let them destroy each other .
As Napoleon said, never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.
Lying with impunity .
As she notes, it is very Soviet. The alphabet networks and the New York Times are their Pravda.
Yes, it’s stupid . There is zero science behind it.
Rest in peace .
This is a huge loss to the Republic. His essays were brilliant.
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