Category Archives: Education
The Mistake Of The School Closings
“Progressives” must reckon with it.
What’s surprising about this is that it was written by Jonathan Chait.
[Update Thursday afternoon]
It’s time for Kids Liberation Day.
We Need To Talk About The Vaccines
A critique of Rogan, Malone, and the media.
The Left’s Latest Buzz Word
I’ve been seeing this a lot on lefty twitter feeds (including people who are supposed to be professional scientists and science communicators). No, not everything is racism, and pointing out that some individuals are more susceptible to covid than others is not eugenics.
“Community Compacts” in Higher Ed
This sounds less like an education than life under the Stasi.
Normalcy For Florida Kids
…shows how insane NYC school rules are.
[Update a while later]
The Great Barrington Declaration, vindicated.
Covid 19
…allowed too many to pervert their power.
Lord Acton nailed it.
So Many Good Tweets Here
“Progressive” America
Is it coming to an end?
We can hope. I would note to Joel, though, that Greg Gutfeld isn’t a conservative; he’s a libertarian.