Democrats sign petition to arrest and jail all Trump supporters who say 2020 election was stolen, in shocking experiment.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) February 11, 2022
A long and depressing compendium of the forces that continue to be arrayed against liberty.
…my ass.
It’s an oldie, but a goodie.
Adams’s gag-inducing new policy of swapping out food for colon-blow roughage and mashed yeast is a declaration of food war. As if we didn’t have enough wars going on— the woke wars, the COVID wars, the language wars and the info wars and the streaming wars. The hell with peas, give peace a chance.
It’s also a religious war: Eric (like Bill Clinton, another member of the militant vegan brigades) used to be fat, got thin, and is now an evangelist for the cause. Good for you, Eric! But don’t force your cauliflower patties and cheese-less tacos on the kids. It’s been a horrible two years for them: haven’t they suffered enough?
Or is this just a back door way of ensuring they don’t take their masks off even at lunch, because no one wants to eat yam stew?
I wonder how many New Yorkers are fine with this? Or if it will result in more emigration to Florida?
…is collapsing.
A faculty letter, with a lot of impressive names.
Unlike Gleen Greenwald, I use scare quotes because people who think and behave like this are the farthest thing from actual liberals.
I never thought that they would.
[Update a few minutes later]
Why can’t the CDC admit that there’s no solid evidence to support masking in schools?
What little regard I’ve ever had for the CDC has been pretty much dissipated in the past two years.
[Evening update]
First link fixed, sorry!