I would not send my kid (or any kid) to one.
Category Archives: Education
What Is A Woman?
The Freeport question of our time.
Republicans need to be asking the Democrats that question in every debate this year.
The Real Racists And sexists
People in business and academia are fighting back.
The Cratering Democrats
I find it amazing that the Democrats have managed to get themselves on the wrong side of almost every issue. And they can’t fix it unless they stop catering to their nutty base, and they can’t stop being condescending because it’s almost at the core of their current identity.
The Coming Bloodbath
Don’t get cocky; we want this victory to be as bloody as possible, but it’s hard to see how they keep Congress at this point.
The Silence Of The Lambs
Thoughts on “transgenderism” from Michael Walsh.
The women should have all refused to swim against him. I hope that the next time this happens, they’ll have more courage.
[Update a couple minutes later]
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The Left’s War On Academic Achievement
Jonathan Chait (!) says that it has to be ended, or it will destroy the Democrat Party:
He’s not wrong. But he says that like it would be a bad thing.
The New York Times’ Mask
Let The Hate Flow
A hater’s guide to Woodrow Wilson.
He can’t be vilified enough.
The End Of The Age Of Fragility
People in Europe seem to be coming to their senses more than here, but we’ll see what happens in November.