On the infantilization of American youth.
Category Archives: Education
The New Normal
C’mon, Kurt, don’t hold back, tell us what you really think.
Stuart Kirk
Did he just kill the climate-investment industry?
We can hope.
[Update a couple minutes later]
China watches as America greens.
The lunatics are running the asylum.
Can they no longer consent?
We are in a bad place, societally.
[Update a while later]
Related: Jurassic Park gets canceled.
[Update a while later]
It’s worth noting that if one goes by the French Mistress Rule (divide by two, add seven), the actress Dern was a little too young for Neill in the original (if he was 43, she should have been at least 28), but her character, who would have been in her late twenties/early thirties, was not. And now, with him in his seventies, he’d be able to date women in their forties, and she’s now in her fifties. Which makes it all the more absurd.
We Battle The Left
…by standing up for free speech and liberalism.
A Red-Pilled Treehugger
Can Mike Shellenberger save California?
He’s got as good a chance as anyone. But even if he manages to knock off Newsom, like Schwarzenegger, he’d still have to deal with the lunatics in the legislature.
The Shooting In Buffalo
The Left instantly blames it on Fox News and Tucker Carlson, despite the fact that the killer’s manifesto doesn’t mention Tucker, and says that he hates Fox News.
An interesting discussion of the ancient play, with implications for societal response to Roe.
Debt And Demagoguery
A history of one of the roads to tyranny.