He had so many hopes.
My violin is so small you need a scanning tunneling microscope to see it.
He had so many hopes.
My violin is so small you need a scanning tunneling microscope to see it.
Making a case for barring it.
No, Eric Swalwell, that does not describe your party.
[Update a few minutes later]
[Update a while later]
The Democrats have found their next Hitler, in Florida.
…have gone mad.
Study shows that kids who are home schooled could miss out on an opportunity to be a gay communist.
Thoughts on the population implosion.
Elon worries about this a lot. He’s certainly doing his share of children production, though.
Something is going to have to give.
[Wednesday-morning update]
The Biden administration advances “sweeping” reforms of the federal student-loan program.
The only “sweeping” reform I want to see is to sweep it clean, and eliminate it.
[Update mid morning]
I mentioned this in comments, but wages have dropped for professors.
Does this mean that it’s racist to urgently address the “climate crisis”?
Asking for lots of friends.