Category Archives: Education
The Bar Exam
Making a case for barring it.
The “Party Of Freedom”
No, Eric Swalwell, that does not describe your party.
[Update a few minutes later]
[Update a while later]
The Democrats have found their next Hitler, in Florida.
Medical Schools
…have gone mad.
Home Schooling
Study shows that kids who are home schooled could miss out on an opportunity to be a gay communist.
The Disappearing American
Thoughts on the population implosion.
Elon worries about this a lot. He’s certainly doing his share of children production, though.
The University
Something is going to have to give.
[Wednesday-morning update]
The Biden administration advances “sweeping” reforms of the federal student-loan program.
The only “sweeping” reform I want to see is to sweep it clean, and eliminate it.
[Update mid morning]
I mentioned this in comments, but wages have dropped for professors.
Does this mean that it’s racist to urgently address the “climate crisis”?
Asking for lots of friends.
Constitutional Visions
There are two fundamentally irreconcilable ones.
The lack of any mention of the Constitution in the dissents seemed glaring to me, too. This court is finally returning us to a constitutional order.
[Update a few minutes later]
On this Independence Day (as on all Independence Days), take a break from the partying to read the Declaration aloud. It’s not just about barbecue, beer, and fireworks.
[Noon update]
First came rights, then came a government to secure those rights.
The Economic Genius In The White House
When you’ve lost Jeff Bezos…