Almost a quarter of Democrats think that men can get pregnant.
Category Archives: Education
In Biden’s America
…those who do the right thing are punished.
Plus, thoughts from Pennsylvanians and Mike Rowe.
The Sexual Revolution
How The Middle Class Views Their Current Rulers
…with well-earned disdain.
[Update a few minutes later]
This would seem related.
I don’t think this is going to help the Democrats in November.
The Lunacy Of The Left
On full display.
Our “Democracy”
…needs a Great Reset.
What the media and politicians won’t tell you about them.
Same is true of floods, droughts, and heat waves.
Our Vaunted “Education” System
You don’t have to know any math to pass the New York state algebra exam.
The Progressive Puritans
They will fail.
In fact, I’d say they’re already starting to.
Against Exclamation Inflation
I agree. And I think that the notion that using periods makes you sound angry is nutty.
I once suggested to a young woman with whom I was having an email exchange that she would make herself stand out from her peers by abjuring the exclamation marks.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Oops, sorry. I hadn’t read the whole thing, and didn’t realize that most of it was paywalled. But if you subscribe to the Dispatch (as I don’t), I’m sure it’s an interesting read.