Category Archives: Education
The Truth About Slavery
America would be a better place if we actually taught it.
It’s dead, but we need to put a stake through its heart.
But it will always come back under another name.
Paul Ehrlich
…is always wrong. And Scott Pelley is an idiot.
The Covid Cult
It’s only one of many. There’s the climate cult, the trans cult, the ESG cult…
Vaccine Risks
A new study says that it is unethical to mandate boosters for young people.
[Update Saturday morning]
Fauci leaves a broken agency to his successor.
He should be stripped of his pension, at the very least.
[Update a few minutes later]
Shredding away the Covid insanity.
…is saving you from profound levels of boredom, and it’s a problem.
Job Hunting For Ex-Twitter Employees
A Good Start
Utah has eliminated the degree requirement for 98% of its civil-service jobs. Now let’s see other states follow suit, and fully pop that higher-ed bubble.
The Ideological Capture Of Our Scientific Institutions
At the end of this road lies Lysenkoism. It’s what happens when the government is the primary funder of scientific research.