Category Archives: Education
It Should Be Safe To Be Unpopular
Thoughts on the woke religion and libertarianism.
WW II And The Red Army
Myths exposed. A long but interesting history.
After years of embracing it, the Left is now trying to separate itself from “woke,” now that normal people are recognizing its toxicity.
They always have to relabel when their terrible ideas catch up with them, just as they stole the word “liberal.”
[Update a few minutes later]
Quit pretending you don’t know what “woke” means.
How We Forgot Pol Pot
Revisiting the killing fields.
If Marxism means enforced equality, its ultimate endpoint is this. Individuals cannot be ‘allowed’ as they might be ‘different’, they might laugh or be happy, unlike others. Beauty – physical, artistic, sexual, spiritual, intellectual – must likewise be ruthlessly extinguished, because it too prevents a Marxist Utopia. Beauty is unfair. It must be eliminated.
Does this matter? Yes, because we live in a time when kids think Marxism is cool again. When self-confessed Marxist Jeremy Corbyn is seen as an amusing old uncle.
In the early 80s, I worked with a man from Cambodia at Rockwell who had managed to escape, just a few years earlier. He was a good guy, smart engineer, but understandably didn’t want to talk about that.
The Fiasco At Stanford Law
An interview with Judge Duncan.
An apology isn’t sufficient. Both the students and the dean should be punished, and in the latter case, the punishment should be firing.
[Update a few minutes later]
OK, apparently the inmates are still running the asylum there.
[Update a while later]
The Stanford Review: Fire Tieren Steinbach.
Yes, though the students should be sanctioned somehow also.
[Thursday-morning update]
Thoughts on mob censorship.
[Update a while later]
Separating the juice from the pulp at Stanford Law.
[Update late morning]
There are no heroes here.
Woke Colleges
…are literally driving students crazy.
[Update a few minutes later]
The diversity dean is just a symptom of a much bigger problem at Stanford, and other law schools.
The Kids Aren’t All Right
A long but interesting discussion of the mental health crisis among youth.
American Fascism
It’s a variant, of course, of general American Marxism.
Adaptive Reuse
Thoughts from thirteen years ago (but still relevant) on aging and retirement.
I don’t feel old, and I’m not ready either financially or psychologically to retire. There is still a lot to accomplish in space, and things are just starting to get interesting, with possibilities for things I’ve been working to make happen for over four decades. And I’m still hoping for rejuvenation.