Category Archives: Education
Gaines And Losses
Thoughts on the crazed event at San Francisco State.
The Chicago Election
The city is beyond hope.
The Democrats want to do this to the entire country.
Politicians Are Tearing Down The Guardrails
…because they’re convinced they’re always right.
The Debunkers
I think there are still going to be people continuing to demand masking forever, and Pharma is going to continue to push the vaccines and boosters. But the worst of the pandemic is over.
[Update a few minutes later]
[Late-morning update]
Commenter Mike Puckett reminds us of a twenty-year-old essay by Michael Crichton that remains relevant today.
Our Need For A Miracle
On Easter Sunday, thoughts on Washington’s Farewell Address.
[Monday-morning update]
We need for Congress to take back its Constitutional powers.
On Institutions
Our French Revolution
Thoughts on the new Jacobins.
The Trump Indictment
What will actually happen.