Bob Werb has some advice on how to reach the non space enthusiasts.
Category Archives: Education
You Are Not Destined
…to live in quiet times.
Thoughts on the acceleration of progress, by Walter Russell Mead.
I wonder how space will play into all of this?
[Afternoon update]
There is no turning back from AI.
If Something Cannot Go On Forever
Sobering thoughts.
American Racial Classifications
Further thoughts on the absurdity. Elon Musk is in fact more “African American” than most American “black” people.
The Trans Hill
Will Democrats die on it?
We can hope. But they’re not “liberals.”
“My Mixed Marriage”
This is a sad sign of our times.
I’m very fortunate in that regard. Patricia and I were much more mixed when we met than we are now.
The Trans Bubble
…watching it burst.
It can’t happen soon enough.
Our Disastrous Educational System
The New Ugly Americans
Reflections on the Leftist imperialists.
On Friendship With Self-Righteous Cowards
Alex Berenson has had enough.
Between Trump, Biden, and covid, the country has never been more polarized in my lifetime than it is right now. It’s probably the most in over 170 years.