The politicization of medical training could be a disaster for the profession and those needing health care.
Category Archives: Education
An Epistemic Crisis
How do we know who to believe?
On the Infantilization Of Young People
Thoughts from Glenn Reynolds.
…is a grotesque symptom of a much larger problem.
[Tuesday-morning update]
The Biden crime family is all of DC.
Suspension Of Disbelief
…and self delusion of experts.
The Great Cloud Of Disrepute
Reflections on the recent global societal disaster. And unfortunately, there will be no apologies, or consequences.
[Monday morning update]
Critical Theory
How it’s radicalizing high-school debate (and debaters).
The Incompetocracy
…is the crack cocaine of the digital age.
The Climate Witch Trials
Climate change, the idea that humankind is having a negative impact on the planet, and what’s more that there will be an extinction-level event if we do not radically change our behaviour, has become one of the most feverishly guarded orthodoxies of our age. You query it at your peril. It is one of the few beliefs for which an entire new grammar of censorship has been created to protect it from interrogation.