Thoughts on the faux virtue and good intentions of the Left. Related: Why young Americans are no longer taught about evil.
Category Archives: Education
Obsessing Over Elite College Admissions
Obeying Authority
…can be hazardous to your health.
What happened on Maui appears to be a mass murder by woke incompetents. At the very least, it was negligent homicide.
[Update a couple minutes later]
A lot of people should be going to prison for the Maui fires. Yes, but they almost certainly won’t.
Podcasting versus Reading
An interesting discussion between Jordan Peterson and Vivek Ramaswami. This seems very weird to me: “…most people are a little slower reading than listening, and that means they are really capable of absorbing more complex material than they’re willing or able to read.”
I’m just the opposite. I don’t have the patience to listen to someone tell me something, and I don’t retain information well that I take in through my ears. It’s why I hated lectures in college, particularly when they were just repeating the textbook, which I could read myself much faster.
Arnold Kling says we are all wrong about it.
Well, maybe someone is right, and we just haven’t heard from them.
California’s Math Framework
…is flawed. Which doesn’t differentiate it from any of California’s other frameworks.
Vivek Ramaswani
It is certainly far too easy to vote.
The Remaking Of America
A depressing litany of how far we’ve fallen in this century.
American Journalism
Bumper Bowling Into Adulthood
The problem is that the bumpers are keeping them from becoming adults, and sadly, many people (like those who demanded that “children” stay on their parents health plans until age twenty six) don’t want them to.