Incidents like this make me very glad that I don’t teach at a university. There apparently really is no free speech on campus, any more, unless you hew to the postmodern PC platitudes.
Category Archives: Education
David Horowitz writes about the two Universities of Texas:
Graduate students in an Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies course, for example, are provided with a reading list that includes scores of texts written from a radical viewpoint. Only one text blatantly criticizes the radical feminist perspective. This is a book written by two founders of women’s studies who subsequently left the field, because they felt it had become totally devoted to a political ideology to the point that its practitioners regularly denied scientific findings that conflicted with their political agendas.
This is the way the course syllabus for the introductory class refers to the book: “Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge, professing feminism, passim (note that this represents anti-women’s studies – prepare to refute it).” This is the instruction of a political ideologue, not an academic scholar.
This is one example, but a glance at other curricular offerings in this and related programs reveals similarly unprofessional agendas. Many of the professors who teach these courses are neither trained historians nor sociologists nor economists, yet the subject matter they teach will often be, such as courses on the history of radical movements, globalization, race or all three.
Communications and Social Change, taught by a professor of communications studies, is such a course. It has no academic rationale except to recruit students to the causes favored by its Marxist instructor: “After the historical survey of social movements, the second part of the course asks you to become involved as an observer and/or as a participant in a local social movement.”
The course requires only two texts, naturally by two Marxists (Howard Zinn and UT’s own Robert Jensen), both situated on the far left of the political spectrum. There’s no harm in reading Zinn or Jensen, but a properly academic course would include their critics on the right and left.
There are enough such courses at the University of Texas that students can enroll in a degree-granting curriculum which has no academic component, but is a comprehensive training program in the theory and practice of radical politics.
How many parents are unwittingly contributing to their offspring’s maleducation, and enabling the continuation of such nonsense, by paying the outrageous tuitions at institutions like this?
Abolish The Education Degree
That’s been my position for years, and Andrew Ferguson agrees, in this piece on the miserable state of math education in the US:
Mr. Levine’s research shows that even the students themselves know how weak their programs are. Sixty-two percent of ed-school alumni say their training didn’t prepare them to “cope with the realities of today’s classrooms.” Surveys show that school principals agree.
What’s to be done? A constructive fellow, Mr. Levine spends considerable time showing what works in the nation’s exemplary education schools. There are some. The examples are so compelling they just might shame other universities into following their lead, removing a major obstacle to educational improvement in America.
Education schools, for example, shouldn’t treat “education” as a major in itself. Good education schools, Mr. Levine finds, require their students to master a given subject
Don’t Know Much About History
Not only the public school system, but universities are failing to teach American history and civics.
Among college seniors, less than half–47.9%–correctly concluded that “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal” was from the Declaration of Independence. More than half did not know that the Bill of Rights prohibits the governmental establishment of an official religion, and “55.4 percent could not recognize Yorktown as the battle that brought the American Revolution to an end” (more than one quarter believing that it was the Civil War battle of Gettysburg that had ended the Revolution).
Of course, a lot of these things they should have been taught in high school, but weren’t.
Don’t Know Much About History
Not only the public school system, but universities are failing to teach American history and civics.
Among college seniors, less than half–47.9%–correctly concluded that “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal” was from the Declaration of Independence. More than half did not know that the Bill of Rights prohibits the governmental establishment of an official religion, and “55.4 percent could not recognize Yorktown as the battle that brought the American Revolution to an end” (more than one quarter believing that it was the Civil War battle of Gettysburg that had ended the Revolution).
Of course, a lot of these things they should have been taught in high school, but weren’t.
Don’t Know Much About History
Not only the public school system, but universities are failing to teach American history and civics.
Among college seniors, less than half–47.9%–correctly concluded that “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal” was from the Declaration of Independence. More than half did not know that the Bill of Rights prohibits the governmental establishment of an official religion, and “55.4 percent could not recognize Yorktown as the battle that brought the American Revolution to an end” (more than one quarter believing that it was the Civil War battle of Gettysburg that had ended the Revolution).
Of course, a lot of these things they should have been taught in high school, but weren’t.
Ethnic Cleansing
By Arabs:
Arabism flies in the face of historical fact. Ethnic minorities in Lebanon, as throughout the Middle East, have suffered at the hands of Arabs since the Arab-Islamic invasions in the early Muslim period. Of the efforts of Arab regimes and their ideological supporters in the West to de-legitimize regional identities other than Arab, Walid Phares, a well-known professor of Middle East studies, has written: “[The] denial of identity of millions of indigenous non-Arab nations can be equated to an organized ethnic cleansing on a politico-cultural level.” This tradition of culturally suppressing minorities is the wellspring of the linguistic imperialism regnant at Middlebury’s Arabic Summer School.
Yet healthier models for language instruction are easy to find. In the Anglophone world, Americans, Irish, Scots, New Zealanders, Australians, Nigerians, Kenyans, and others are native English-speakers, but not English. Can anyone imagine an English language class in which students are assumed to be Anglican cricket fans who sing “Rule Britannia,” post maps showing Her Majesty’s empire at its pre-war height, and prefer shepherd’s pie and mushy peas? Yet according to the hyper-nationalists who run Middlebury’s Arabic language programs, all speakers of Arabic are Arabs–case closed.
A leading Arabic language program shouldn’t imbue language instruction with political philosophy. It should instead concentrate on teaching a difficult language well–on promoting linguistic ability, not ideological conformity. Academics should never intellectualize their politics and then peddle them to students under the guise of scholarship. Those who do may force a temporary dhimmitude on their student subjects, but in the end they only marginalize their field and themselves.
This is, in some ways, even more egregious than that loon up at Wisconsin who wanted to teach 9/11 conspiracy theories in a class on Islam, because it’s actually much more insidious.
[Via Jonah Goldberg, who also writes today about the Swastika and the Scimitar]
President Bush undoubtedly didn
Data-Free Policies
Glenn notes an article about how the obesity wars have moved into the schools.
…like other misguided public health campaigns (remember “Just Say No”?), putting children on de facto diets at school just doesn’t work. In a 2003 experiment involving 41 schools, more than 1,700 children
Future Generations
Keith Cowing notes a useful cause, if you’re interested in interesting kids in space.
A Lousy Investment
Malcolm Kline says that politicians’ efforts to steer even more money into the black hole of college education is misguided:
In a recent conference call on the plan, both lawmakers rebuffed three attempts to get them on record explaining why college and university administrators have nothing to do with the exploding cost of higher education. It