A link roundup on the diversity hires.
Category Archives: Education
“All I Want For Christmas”
…is for people to stop being crazy.
We really do seem to be living in Heinlein’s Crazy Years.
AIAA SciTech
As you can see in the left sidebar, I’m planning to attend next month in Orlando. They used to be in San Diego, and I haven’t been to one since before the pandemic. ASCEND was a huge upgrade over their previous annual space conference, and I’m curious to see how much SciTech has changed in the past few years.
As you can see from the program, it has a wide variety of papers on not just space (my primary interest, as always), but aviation as well. The number of simultaneous topics is overwhelming (as it has been in the past), but I’ll be interested primarily in sessions on space resources, space assembly and servicing, life support for larger facilities, nuclear propulsion (both electric and thermal), human logistics in space and space medicine, advances in additive manufacturing, AI applications and, of course space policy. I’ll also be discussing my own participation in the Cislunar Ecosystem Task Force, which was first announced at this event a year ago.
I don’t know if there will be any news broken there, but if there is, I’ll be blogging about it here. I won’t be attending Friday, because I have to be in DC. But I will be there Monday through Thursday, and I hope I’ll see some of you there.

Keeping Discrimination Illegal In California
How you can help, if you’re on X.
Claudine Gay
The Bigots In Academia
Is the pushback against them finally becoming real?
One can hope.
Reflections on its “sharp-left turn.”
This isn’t really new, once you understand that Nazis were leftists.
If it seems too long, skip the first part where he describes better days, and scroll down to current events.
[Update a few minutes later]
DEI is a way for the otherwise unemployable to be employed.
The Rotten Core Of College Campuses
Thoughts on anti-Semitism throughout history.
[Update a few minutes later]
Advocating For Genocide
Thoughts from Eugene Volokh.
The problem to me is that we’ve overbroadened the definition of genocide to the point that it’s lost useful meaning. I don’t agree that simply killing large numbers of an ethnic group justifies being called that. While what the Japanese did in Manchuria was atrocious and horrific, and clearly a war crime, I don’t think that it was genocide, because I don’t think (correct me if I’m wrong historians) that it was done with an intent to wipe an ethnicity off the face of the planet. Similarly, while what we did in Dresden and Tokyo and other cities was arguably a war crime, it was not genocide. But what the Nazis did clearly was, and what Hamas is calling for, and those college students are supporting (“gas the Jews”) clearly is.