Category Archives: Education

Time To End The Education Bubble

Should we make college more expensive? I agree with Glenn’s reader. Ending subsidies would actually reduce costs, and focus academics on the people who should really be in college. But it’s going to be very hard to break the back of the politician/media/academia industrial complex. But if any time is one to do it, it’s one of fiscal austerity on the part of the government. If we can defund CPB/NPR, that would be an indication that it’s time to go after this.

Bailing Out The Academic Vandals

Don’t “save” the humanities — restore them:

There was a time when “save the humanities” would have been an appropriate cry, but that was years ago, when they were being dismantled in one department after another and replaced with the intellectual triviality and sheer boredom of endlessly repetitive Marxist identity politics, as cowardly administrators looked on and did nothing. The poverty of intellectual content was masked by an elaborate jargon, but that only made things worse: the remade programs became the laughing stock of their campuses. But now the day of reckoning has arrived. Enrollments have collapsed, to the point where the smaller departments face extinction. Those enrollments are sinking not because students don’t value the humanities, but because they do.

It is important to grasp the fact that the cry we are now hearing (“save the humanities”) is not about saving the humanities. It is rather about saving the faculty, who long since destroyed them, from the devastating consequences of their own foolish actions. It asks for a bailout, so that those same people can continue enjoying the fiefdoms they created to replace what once were departments of the humanities. And to respond favorably to that appeal would be folly.

Of course, they’ll have to do something for which they’re entirely ill-suited and untrained — making an honest living in the real world.

The Tolerance Canard

Thoughts on the religious intolerance of multicultural “progressive” secularism.

[Update a couple minutes later]

“Progressives” should worry about NPR’s urban provincialism:

If Schiller’s priority was to provide programming that “challenges and invigorates,” Williams would have appeared on NPR news show “All Things Considered” to explain. Instead, the only thing considered was the termination of his contract, he was canned, and Fox News wound up providing more airtime for Williams to thoroughly air his nuanced views.

It’s no wonder that Fox News fans now claim bragging rights as being more open minded. Censoring Williams has the added chilling effect of censoring every other person on NPR.

The irony is amazing.