Category Archives: Education

The Moronic Face Of OWS

Is this guy, I think.

I really haven’t seen or heard a much more articulate case made for their wants than this.

He wants me to pay for his tuition? I see no evidence that his tuition wasn’t money flushed down the loo. He should be protesting the people who defrauded him (and the rest of us, as taxpayers) at whatever school he went to.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Heh. “Why do protesters still talk to people who approach them with flip cams? It never ends well for them.”

[Update a couple minutes later]

The moronic and violent face of OWS. Via Iain Murray, who tweets, “More evidence for my theory that #teaparty is the American Revolution, #OWS is the French.”

The New Deal Was “A Wrong Turn”?

Of course it was.

It’s apparently politically unacceptable to point out that truth, but that’s largely because of decades of political indoctrination in state-run lower and higher education. We were taught in school that Roosevelt “saved capitalism,” which always struck me as a similar phrase to the Vietnam-era “we had to destroy the village to save it.” It started us down the wrong road, and we’re rapidly approaching a cliff if we can’t bushwhack our way back to the right path.

I Agree With Instapundt

Exactly the same example hopped immediately into my mind.

[Update a couple minutes later]

“They all look alike to them“:

I’ve suggested in the past that Obama is Pumpsie Green and but was sold to us as Jackie Robinson, but on reflection I think it goes deeper than that.

I think the press had Pumpsie Green in front of them but saw Jackie Robinson. They deceived themselves and moreover wanted to be deceived. As far was the press was concerned their desire for the political equivalent of Jackie Robinson blinded them to the point where any semi-qualified black candidate became Jackie

So naturally when some of us on the right objected to a person who was totally unqualified for office the press went wild, because it directly challenged their illusion and cried racism when it was just the opposite.

We on the right saw not a black man, but an unqualified inexperienced Chicago pol who just happened to be black. The press meanwhile saw not an individual but a symbol, it didn’t actually matter who he was, it mattered that he was. Or to put it bluntly, they couldn’t tell Jackie Robinson from Pumpsie Green because “they all looked alike to them.”

If Branch Rickey had done this in 47 the majors might still not be integrated.

As I’ve often noted, the true racists are on the left, almost inherently.

[Update a few minutes later]

I agree with Instapundit on this, too: “Half a century ago, insecure white bigots needed to put down black people so they’d have someone to feel superior to. Now they use Mississippi.”