Category Archives: Education

The Virus

…has exposed Americans’ disconnect from reality.

[Update a while later]

Nancy Pelosi and the politics pandemic.

[Update a while later]

Goodbye, Green New Deal.

Set aside, for the moment, any reservations you might have about the coronavirus-emergency regime, and set aside your views on climate change, too, whatever they may be. Instead, ask yourself this: If Americans are this resistant to paying a large economic price to enable measures meant to prevent a public-health catastrophe in the here and now — one that threatens the lives of people they know and love — then how much less likely are they to bear not weeks or months but decades of disruption and economic dislocation and a permanently diminished standard of living in order to prevent possibly severe consequences to people in Bangladesh or Indonesia 80 or 100 years from now?

Not a prayer.

[Update later morning]

Yes, the president is not wrong: Pelosi is a sick puppy.

Believe All Women

Does Joe Biden believe Tara Reade?

[Update late afternoon]

How brave of the #MeToo Legal Fund.

Yeah, let’s take these people seriously.

[Update Saturday morning]

Will Biden live up to his own principles?

That’s a big ask; I don’t think he has any.


[Update a while later]

And the mainstream media remains silent.

Not surprising; they don’t have any principles, either, other than a will to power.

[Monday-morning update]

The Democrats and sexual assault: They never learn.


[Afternoon update]

Why are the media ignoring Reade’s claims?

I’m pretty sure I know why.

Aussie Accent(s)

My sense is that to the degree that they have different accents, it’s class based, not regional. That is, most of the people I meet are probably upper middle, whereas someone Rugby Union might speak strine so thick that it would be almost unintelligible to me.