…is spreading as fast as the virus.
[Update a couple minutes later]
The danger of the Orange Man Bad disease. And an epidemic of media partisanship.
…is spreading as fast as the virus.
[Update a couple minutes later]
The danger of the Orange Man Bad disease. And an epidemic of media partisanship.
This is amusing. I suspect that purchasers of “essential oils” are more likely to be receptive to phrases like “Hope and change.”
[Monday-morning update]
Related: The woman who idiotically ingested aquarium-tank cleaner and poisoned her husband was a prolific donor to Democrat causes.
…has exposed Americans’ disconnect from reality.
[Update a while later]
Nancy Pelosi and the politics pandemic.
[Update a while later]
Goodbye, Green New Deal.
Set aside, for the moment, any reservations you might have about the coronavirus-emergency regime, and set aside your views on climate change, too, whatever they may be. Instead, ask yourself this: If Americans are this resistant to paying a large economic price to enable measures meant to prevent a public-health catastrophe in the here and now — one that threatens the lives of people they know and love — then how much less likely are they to bear not weeks or months but decades of disruption and economic dislocation and a permanently diminished standard of living in order to prevent possibly severe consequences to people in Bangladesh or Indonesia 80 or 100 years from now?
Not a prayer.
[Update later morning]
Yes, the president is not wrong: Pelosi is a sick puppy.
Does Joe Biden believe Tara Reade?
[Update late afternoon]
How brave of the #MeToo Legal Fund.
Yeah, let’s take these people seriously.
[Update Saturday morning]
Will Biden live up to his own principles?
That’s a big ask; I don’t think he has any.
[Update a while later]
And the mainstream media remains silent.
Not surprising; they don’t have any principles, either, other than a will to power.
[Monday-morning update]
The Democrats and sexual assault: They never learn.
[Afternoon update]
Why are the media ignoring Reade’s claims?
I’m pretty sure I know why.
The American people think it’s been doing a terrible job of covering the coronavirus. The American people are right.
My sense is that to the degree that they have different accents, it’s class based, not regional. That is, most of the people I meet are probably upper middle, whereas someone Rugby Union might speak strine so thick that it would be almost unintelligible to me.
After too many decades, almost a century, the people have pulled aside the curtain, and the man behind it has been exposed.
I agree; it’s looking more likely by the day.
[Update a few minutes later]
Is the pandemic making Trump stronger? And how the establishment continues to not get it.
[Update a while later]
Trump’s strategic foresight is being put to the test.
So says a terrible court ruling.
The “elites” are angry that they can’t get us to panic.