Which one has accidentally killed the most people?
I agree with the historian who says that the question is ill framed.
Which one has accidentally killed the most people?
I agree with the historian who says that the question is ill framed.
Not the Bee or the Onion: James Comey will teach a course on ethical leadership at William and Mary.
An open letter to his (or her) colleagues from an anonymous black professor at Berkeley.
She’s the gift that just keeps on giving.
I seriously wonder how many Democrats her age and younger have no concept of the history of their own party?
It’s so far beyond political correctness.
It’s totalitarian.
Cheer on the chaos they welcome at personal risk.
Meanwhile, a warning of what may be to come.
[Update a while later]
Wokism’s cult following.
[Update a few minutes later]
Bob Zimmerman thinks that Trump has to do something soon.
[Update a while later]
The only real privilege left in America is leftist privilege.
[Update late morning]
Lenin had his useful idiots, too.
…is eating its own.
They always do.
This is what happens when education is a mess.
I have never envied cops. But it would sure help them if there were fewer laws to enforce.