Category Archives: Economics

CommieLa’s Economic Plan

How it will go:

[Sunday-morning update]

Harris’s Kamunist agenda faces a harsh reality.

She’s a red-diaper baby who learned “economics” at her Marxist father’s knee.

The Second Space Race

A review of Greg Autry’s and Peter Navarro’s new book on China. Greg gave me a copy last Saturday at an event in downtown LA, but I haven’t read it yet.

[Update a while later]

“The book serves as both a wake-up call and a reminder of the importance of space exploration.”

I hate that phrase. It’s the importance of space development. Exploration is just a means to that end.

Spaceport Las Vegas

No, funding is not his biggest issue. This is his biggest issue:

>Lauer favors spaceplanes because they’re safer than launching rockets.

“And there are several companies building them right now,” he said in his presentation. “They’re basically an aircraft with a variety of engines, whether it’s a scramjet engine or rockets. It takes off and lands like an aircraft and it’s made of titanium. You can launch it and re-enter, and you can do it over and over again. And it’s a lot safer.”

Although some of Lauer’s website visuals and early plans call for a launching pad, Lauer said his development’s focus will be on horizontal takeoffs and landings and not launches.

Which companies? The only company that I’m aware of developing a horizontal takeoff and landing system is Radian, and they need a sled. To quote the former senator from Wisconsin in a different context, I wouldn’t give him one penny for this nutty fantasy.

Judith Curry

An interview with John Stossel.