The Klamath River was destroyed by environmentalists.
We need more storage in California, and instead they’re doing this?
The Klamath River was destroyed by environmentalists.
We need more storage in California, and instead they’re doing this?
…but there is a lot more of other useful elements.
I’m writing a review of Bob Zubrin’s latest book, which touches on many of the same themes. His claim is that Mars will be to the Belt as San Francisco was to the 49ers.
Blue states continue to commit slow suicide.
An interview with Judith Curry.
How did these awful people come to be running our lives?
NASA has lacked ambition since the late seventies.
How “progressive” policies are designed for it.
If the government doesn’t get in the way, maybe they don’t have to be so rare.
…is over. As noted, environmentalism has totalitarian roots.
…in Latin America. Now, if we could only get one here.