Thoughts on the federal Leviathan from Glenn Reynolds. I’m hoping that SCOTUS striking down Chevron will ameliorate this, if only slightly.
Category Archives: Economics
“Textbook Tyranny”
This may turn out to be the “We told you so” election.
Doubling Computer Speed
…at half the power, using existing hardware. This seems like a big deal, but I suspect it means rewriting a lot of code. I’m wondering if AI could help with the code rewrite?
Karl Marx
Don’t rest in peace.
Oh, Canada
“From personal experience, I can tell you that each and every Eastern European that I know has a clear plan to leave Canada. Many of them have left, many of them, just because we have this experience living in communism,” said Bondar.
A Fusion Breakthrough?
Maybe. It kind of reminds me of how modern fighters can be unstable (to give them better performance) through the use of smart avionics.
A Pro-Free-Market Industrial Policy
What would it look like?
Not much like the current one.
Now They Tell Us
Michael Walsh is righteously enraged by the latest from the CDC.
The Klamath River was destroyed by environmentalists.
We need more storage in California, and instead they’re doing this?
There’s Gold In Them Thar Asteroids
…but there is a lot more of other useful elements.
I’m writing a review of Bob Zubrin’s latest book, which touches on many of the same themes. His claim is that Mars will be to the Belt as San Francisco was to the 49ers.