Top be fair, this isn’t any more economically idiotic than a federal minimum wage. So naturally, puddin’ brain is all in.
Category Archives: Economics
Fusion Energy
Are we ready for the problems it could cause?
Oh, please.
Now They’re Coming For Our Food
Richard Fernandez describes the latest green disaster.
They are utterly ignorant of nutrition.
Sabine Hossenfelder
Why she’s embarrassed to be German:
[Update a while later]
Misspelled name fixed, sorry, Sabine!
Just In Time For The Election
Looks a lot like we’ll be in a recession before November.
People are tapped out on their credit cards.
Another Bad July 4th For Britain
Thoughts on the predictable (and predicted) electoral disaster across the pond from Mark Steyn.
[Late-morning update]
Wrong link is fixed now, sorry.
The Big Bad Starship
Who‘s afraid of it?
They continue to fail to understand how revolutionary this vehicle will prove to be. It will change everything about the way we do space activities.
Starship Flight Four
The Three “Ds” Of The Climate Agenda
Libertarianism Updated
Thoughts from Randy Barnett.