I had started choking it down every morning because I thought that there were health benefits. But the evidence isn’t really that compelling. Patricia kicked her habit in April, so I wasn’t making it every morning any more, and I rarely wanted to go to the trouble of making a couple cups just for me. So I guess I’m off it for now.
[Late-afternoon update]
Note: I am not criticizing anyone whose body chemistry enables them to enjoy drinking the stuff; to each his own. I’m simply amused by people who think that I’m a terrible person because I never have, and continue to not do so, no matter how much I drink, or how it is prepared. I will say, though, that at a hotel in Vienna, I had (included in the price of the room) lattes that were less than terrible, but still not worth drinking absent any potential health benefits.
The notion of wearing a mask in a restaurant is absurd. You can’t eat with a mask on. This is another area in which the pandemic hasn’t affected me much, because I’ve never liked going out to eat at restaurants, other than for social reasons. It’s both expensive and unhealthy to pay someone else to cook for you, and I don’t like having people serve me.
I didn’t realize it was such a rare phenomenon. I rarely buy boneless chicken, and we roast a whole one (or split and grill it) almost every week, and then make soup with the leftovers, and have been doing it for years.
I continue to wonder how much this will change peoples’ eating habits, now that so many have learned to cook. It may mean that the restaurant industry will never recover to pre-plague levels.
Red tape continues to need cutting. Food labeling remains stupid, particularly in terms of calorie counting. And Schumer continues to be a derriere fedora.
Nutrition labels, to the degree that they provide calorie information, are worse than useless, because calorie counting is stupid. FDA should not only suspend them, but eliminate them.
I’ve never worried about the food itself; my concern is the packaging. As it says, take the food out of it, dispose, and wash your hands. It’s also good that the drive-through cashiers are holding out the machine for you to insert your card in, rather than taking it from you and handing it back.