The protein quality is inferior (as I would have guessed). The best way, in terms of nutrition, to process plants into meat is to run them through an animal’s digestive system.
Category Archives: Culinary
Food Myths
Busted: High-fat dairy, meat, and salt are good for you, and processed grains are terrible.
And no one will be held accountable for the unscientific nonsense that western governments have been dishing out for decades that have caused so much illness, death, and misery.
Dairy Fat
Eat more of it for a healthy heart.
Gary Taubes
Did his own institute disprove his nutrition theory?
I’d like to see details on the study. This article focuses on weight loss, and ignores other health benefits of not eating crap. I’ve certainly not been doing it for weight loss, but rather to reduce my serum cholesterol and triglycerides, and improve my A1C. Also, if you’re converting fat to muscle, you’re not losing weight, but you’re getting a lot healthier.
A Fatally Flawed Paradigm
How it has derailed the science of obesity.
Fake Meat And Hydroponics
It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. This doesn’t seem like good news for growing food in space, if soil is a key element of flavor. We know it is with wine grapes.
Life Extension And Covid
I’ve been using cucumbers instead of pita to dip hummus, and it looks like it’s not a bad idea.
Heredity And Lifespan
This is very good news, if true. Both of my parents died of heart attacks fairly young (I’ve now outlived my father by more than a decade, and will beat my mother in a couple years), but they were both obese and smokers. I have a clean bill of health as of a year or so ago, in terms of plaque, even though I ignore the criminally terrible nutrition advice from the federal government.
Et Tu, Nathan’s?
I’m continually dismayed by the assumption that this plant-based “meat” crap is “healthier” than the real thing.
On Eating Meat
More junk nutritional science.