In 2006, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at the role of dairy consumption in weight regulation for 19,352 Swedish women between the ages of 40 and 55. Data was initially collected between 1987 and 1990, and then again in 1997. It found that for the women in the study, eating one or more servings a day of whole dairy products was “inversely associated with weight gain,” with the most significant findings for normal-weight women consuming whole milk or sour milk.
In 2013, the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care published findings from a study that tracked the impact of dairy fat intake on 1,782 men. Twelve years after researchers took the initial measurements, they found that consumption of butter, high-fat milk, and cream several times a week were related to lower levels of central obesity, while “a low intake of dairy fat… was associated with a higher risk of developing central obesity.” (Central obesity means a waist-to-hip ratio equal to or greater than one—i.e. big in the middle.)
As I’ve said before, Michelle’s “healthy” school lunches, with low-fat milk, actually constitute government-sponsored child abuse.
This is, as Glenn says, a slow-mo animal-husbandry disaster.
But I wonder to what degree the birds’ immune systems are compromised because they’re on a vegetarian diet (to which they are not suited) because people are stupid?
I actually tend to follow most of these. I eat mostly at home, unless I’m traveling (and even then I’ll cook, if I have a kitchen), and rarely go out. I shop the outer perimeter of the grocery store (meat and produce), and tend to avoid the inner aisles.