I wish it were true, because I love bread and pasta but I’m pretty skeptical of the results of this study. I’m guessing it’s more junk nutrition epidemeology, with self reporting.
Category Archives: Culinary
Intermittent Fasting
The evidence of the benefits continues to accumulate. During the week, I’ll go all day without eating, other than coffee and water. Of course, such articles always say this:
“I suggest people talk to their physician first,” Horne says.
In general, physicians are pretty ignorant about nutrition, and much of what they know is wrong.
Low-Fat Diets
LCHF seems to be getting more attention:
The mistaken belief that fats cause heart disease stems from weak, outdated research. Back in 1961, the American Heart Association published its first report recommending that people limit consumption of animal fats and dietary cholesterol. The report cited several studies that showed a correlation between high-fat diets and heart problems.
But that hypothesis had never been put to the test in a clinical trial. A controlled trial is the only way to prove a cause-effect relationship, rather than a mere correlation that could occur due to random chance or some other unknown variable.
As Dr. Phillip Handler, the former president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences stated nearly 20 years later, “What right has the federal government to propose that the American people conduct a vast nutritional experiment, with themselves as subjects, on the strength of so little evidence?”
Eventually, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) started conducting clinical trials. However, these trials were deeply flawed. Additionally, when evidence contradicted the dominant medical narrative, researchers effectively buried it. One NIH study, which found little-to-no relationship between saturated fats and various health problems, was conducted between 1968 and 1973 but wasn’t published for another 16 years.
Despite the flimsy evidence against saturated fats, mainstream nutritionists still advise people to eat lots of carbohydrates and steer clear of fats. The AHA recommends restricting saturated fat consumption to 6 percent of total calories. Federal guidelines encourage people to eat fat-free or low-fat dairy and plenty of grains.
This advice is dooming hundreds of thousands of people to early death and disability. Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack. The disease costs Americans $200 billion annually in medical care and lost productivity.
For decades, our public health leaders have dispensed deadly dietary advice. That needs to change. Many doctors, myself included, have seen with our own eyes how low-carb diets help patients lose weight, reverse their diabetes and improve their cholesterol.
As time goes on I get more and more convinced that this criminally bad dietary advice killed my father in 1979.
[Wednesday-morning update]
Jordan Peterson and his daughter are on an all-meat diet. And of course, this nonsense comes up, as usual:
…doctors don’t think it’s healthy to have all meat, all the time. To prevent heart disease, the American Heart Association and the World Heart Federation recommend a low amount of saturated fats, the kind found in beef, pork, chicken, and other foods. Research links red meat to colorectal cancer. And an absence of vitamins and fibers, which normally come from fruits and vegetables, is a precursor to conditions like scurvy and constipation.
“I don’t see any health benefits of a diet focused primarily on red meat,” said Kristen Smith, a registered dietitian nutritionist with the Academy of Nutritionists and Dietetics, who said she’s seen the carnivore diet’s popularity grow on social media. “There’s currently no research to support that this type of diet has favorable long-term health outcomes.”
…Cholesterol is one of Weiss’s concerns, since too much of a certain kind of cholesterol heightens risk of heart disease and heart attacks. (Saturated fats, found in red meat, have long been assumed to drive up that risk, although some new evidence suggests that they may be less dangerous than believed. In a controversial editorial last year that departed from the recommendations of major public health groups, three cardiologists argued that saturated fats do not clog arteries and are not on their own a problem.)
Unscientific quackery from the usual suspects. And “…less dangerous than believed….” There is zero scientific evidence that saturated fat or dietary cholesterol are a problem at all.
Has the crap they’ve been putting in processed food to attempt to replace healthy fat causing many of our health problems?
What a public-health catastrophe.
Was it a mistake?
No; it enabled modern civilization, but it did so at a cost to human health. I haven’t read the whole thing yet, it’s long.
[Update a few minutes later]
OK, I got all the way through it. She doesn’t really address the health effects of a grain-based diet.
More Junk Nutrition “Science”
The “Mediterranean Diet” has been discredited.
Anthony Bourdain
I’ve never paid much attention to him, but he seems to have been quite a character. Here’s a foreword he wrote to a book in defense of a guileless restaurant reviewer in flyover country.
[Update a while later]
It’s always been such an alien concept to me.
[Update a few minutes later]
After a suicide, think of the survivors. and Ben Shapiro asks “How do we stop suicides?”
When I was a kid, one of my classmates’ father shot himself, and she discovered the body. I wondered just how terrible that would be.
It may aid in the regeneration of stem cells. I do this almost every day. Not quite 24 hours, but I often don’t eat from when I go to bed until dinner the next evening. Other than morning coffee, which I don’t think would count, given its utter lack of nutrients.
The Big Mac Diet
This is quite a record.
The unhealthiest thing about a Big Mac is the bun. This story doesn't say what else he ate: https://t.co/zFggBxH6rm
If he skipped the fries and soft drinks, a Big Mac diet per se wouldn't be that big a problem.
— Rand Simberg (@Rand_Simberg) May 6, 2018
Big Government And Bad Science
Probably not news to my readers, but here’s a Reason interview with Nina Teicholz on how government recommendations have made America fat.