I’ve posted about this topic before, but they’re not “getting too loud.” They’ve always been too loud. They’re just getting worse.
Category Archives: Culinary
Judging You By Your Drink Order
Not sure I care what the bartender thinks of me, but I’ve never ordered any of these, except a mojito once, when out with friends in Puerto Rico, in a place where they were the specialty. Not sure I understand why craft beer is on the list, though. I’ve certainly never ordered a light beer; what a waste of money.
Lab-Grown Meat
Does it have a future? Maybe, but it’s a tough roe to how for now.
Overrated Restaurants
A top six.
I’ve never had Papa John’s, or Chipotle’s and it’s been years since I ate at an Olive Garden, but that’s Patricia’s complaint, too (she used to have a boss who loved to go there for lunch). I concur on the fries at In’n’Out. I like Chick-fil-A, but don’t worship it. I only go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast (and rarely — there are none in LA of which I’m aware, and we have better chain places here, like the Black Bear Diner).
But I don’t eat out much in general unless I’m traveling, because it’s terrible both for your budget and from a nutritional standpoint. Unless it’s some kind of exotic cuisine, I can cook much cheaper and healthier at home, and don’t have to endure the noise of restaurants. The notion of going out for a steak seems absurd to me.
[Late-afternooon update]
Sorry, here’s the link.
Tribute To A Monster
..by a restaurant in downtown LA.
Next up: An Argentinian tapas place called “Che’s,” and an Austrian restaurant named “Der Fuhrer.”
Steak Blogging
Stephen Green has a rub recipe. I have to confess, I don’t put anything on it before grilling except bacon grease. Maybe I’ll try this.
The War On Keto
I guess Jillian Michaels is upset that people (literally) aren’t buying her BS.
The Case Against Carbohydrates
And this wasn’t another crap epidemiological study. It was controlled.
Chinese-Restaurant Syndrome
Has MSG gotten a bad rap?
I’ve personally never had a problem with it. I used to keep it on hand, in fact, though I haven’t used it in decades.
[Update a few minutes later, after reading the whole thing]:
As Brendan Nyhan, a Dartmouth professor who has researched how to influence attitudes about vaccines, pointed out to me in an email, it’s hard for people to change their minds about personal health issues because it contradicts what they have perceived to experience in the past. “People who felt bad after eating Chinese food in the past may have blamed MSG … and thus resist information they encounter later about its actual effects,” he said. This may be the result of the availability heuristic, where people make judgments using the easiest information available, rather than looking for alternative explanations.
This could also explain peoples’ resistance to accepting new ideas about nutrition, when (e.g.) they’ve been told for decades to avoid fat.
[Update a while later]
Related: Half the people who think they have food allergies are wrong.
I’m pretty confident in my allergy to tree nuts. Even if no one tells me, I can tell when I’ve had them.
The Real Food Problem
I’ve been saying this for years. The problem isn’t coming up with enough calories; it’s about feeding people a healthy diet. But the calorie-counting insanity is going to cause poor health all over, not just in the West.