In spaceflight, it’s a necessity.
Category Archives: Business
Canceling Drag Shows
He’s not wrong, and as with rightly calling out affirmative action as racist, using the left’s own words against them is the most effective way to fight them.
On The General Narcissism
Safety Third
It Should Be Safe To Be Unpopular
Thoughts on the woke religion and libertarianism.
Russia’s Space Program
…is in big trouble.
My biggest fear is that if they can’t play in the sandbox, they’ll crap in it, which they are perfectly capable of doing. It’s always much easier to destroy than create, which is what they’ve been doing in Ukraine.
[Afternoon update]
Sorry, link is there now.
He’s been a national catastrophe.
After years of embracing it, the Left is now trying to separate itself from “woke,” now that normal people are recognizing its toxicity.
They always have to relabel when their terrible ideas catch up with them, just as they stole the word “liberal.”
[Update a few minutes later]
Quit pretending you don’t know what “woke” means.
The Office Of Space Commerce
Why it should be the regulator of orbital activities, and not the FAA (or NASA).
The Fiasco At Stanford Law
An interview with Judge Duncan.
An apology isn’t sufficient. Both the students and the dean should be punished, and in the latter case, the punishment should be firing.
[Update a few minutes later]
OK, apparently the inmates are still running the asylum there.
[Update a while later]
The Stanford Review: Fire Tieren Steinbach.
Yes, though the students should be sanctioned somehow also.
[Thursday-morning update]
Thoughts on mob censorship.
[Update a while later]
Separating the juice from the pulp at Stanford Law.
[Update late morning]
There are no heroes here.