A white guy comes out as a gay woman of color.
Category Archives: Business
Stakeholder Capitalism
Developing Space
In which I am interviewed by SpaceTech Gulf.
[Late-morning update]
How Starship will change humanity.
It’s a similar theme to my piece from a couple years ago.
Metal-Ceramic Alloys
This seems like a pretty big materials breakthrough.
Fascism Works
A thread:
To Grow America
The Inhumanity Of The Green Agenda
They hate humanity, and they’ll do whatever they can to prevent the infection from spreading into the solar system.
Engineering By Management
Scott Adams made a good living poking fun at stories like this.
Tucker’s Firing
I suspect that this is going to hurt Fox’s bottom line. It’s getting to the point that Gutfeld! and The Five may be the only shows worth watching.
Yes, Get Out Of Your Seat
The hed of this op-ed is misleading. No, you shouldn’t stand as soon as the plane lands; wait until you’ve arrived at the gate. But yes, if you’re on the aisle, you should be preparing yourself and helping others prepare to deplane, not sit in your seat until it’s time for you to actually move. I don’t understand the people who think that we should be slowed down by telling people to remain seated.