Some in Congress want to give the FCC the power to regulate anything in space with a radio. Fortunately, there’s pushback:
Category Archives: Business
The Original Sin Of US Health Policy
It goes back over a century. And ObamaCare didn’t address it, and just made it worse.
…is the crack cocaine of the digital age.
The Climate Witch Trials
Climate change, the idea that humankind is having a negative impact on the planet, and what’s more that there will be an extinction-level event if we do not radically change our behaviour, has become one of the most feverishly guarded orthodoxies of our age. You query it at your peril. It is one of the few beliefs for which an entire new grammar of censorship has been created to protect it from interrogation.
The Psychology Of Disneyland
Trung Phan thinks it’s still the Magic Kingdom.
I wonder what Walt would think of what’s happened to the company today.
Energy Talking Points
This may be good prep for my upcoming trial of Mann’s defamation suit against me.
Covid’s Origins
…and the death of trust.
[Update Friday morning]
How the Covid panic infected freedom of choice.
Foresight’s Space Workshop
I don’t think I appear in this video, but I was in attendance last month.
54 Years On
Neil and Buzz landed on the Moon on this day. It’s now been over half a century since the last man kicked up the regolith there. I’ll be on The Space Show this evening (1900 PDT) to talk about it, and space in general.
[Late-morning update]
Anniversary thoughts from Rick Tumlinson. He worries too much about the “climate crisis,” though. And he’s fooling himself if he really thinks that China is worried about it.
Space Hookers Must Die
Thoughts on a disturbing SF trope.
I don’t think that prostitution should be illegal, but neither should it be encouraged.