Peter Hague responds to a dumb polemic at Quillette.
One of the foundational problems of space-policy discussions is the apparent inability of many to distinguish between space exploration, and space settlement.
Peter Hague responds to a dumb polemic at Quillette.
One of the foundational problems of space-policy discussions is the apparent inability of many to distinguish between space exploration, and space settlement.
Geothermal technology is heating up.
This is a week and a half old, but I didn’t link it at the time. Eric Berger documents its decline.
Thoughts on the faux virtue and good intentions of the Left. Related: Why young Americans are no longer taught about evil.
This one seemed really weird:
I have no idea what a “dog pusher” is. Anyone have any ideas?
But this still seems like a scammer.
…might be closer than you think.
It’s all up to the FAA, I think.
So, I’m running Fedora with Gnome. When I fire up Windows 10 in Virtualbox, the VB menu tabs appear at the bottom of the virtual machine, covering up the tray. Of I attempt to minimize it, it leaves the Windows window. When I reclick on it, the tabs are still there. If I try to close it, it freezes the host. I can switch workspaces, and windows, but I can’t do anything within them; clicking on links, or new tabs within a browser instance, does nothing. The cursor remains an arrow regardless of its location. The only way to fix it (that I’ve found so far) is to reboot, which is a PETA, because a lot of stuff has to be autoloaded each time.
Any ideas for troubleshooting?
[Saturday-afternoon update]
OK, I have discovered that I can unfreeze the host without having to reboot, by killing the VM process. So that will help. But it’s still not switching properly between full-screen and scaled modes. And I still have to modprobe the driver every time I reboot, or the machine won’t start.
…can be hazardous to your health.
What happened on Maui appears to be a mass murder by woke incompetents. At the very least, it was negligent homicide.
[Update a couple minutes later]
A lot of people should be going to prison for the Maui fires. Yes, but they almost certainly won’t.
Yes, it’s unclear that, absent physics breakthroughs, there will be any practical reasons to head off to another star.