I think Dale bends over backwards for SLS, but it’s really no contest. I also think that while it’s possible that a mix of the two would be optimal, it’s very unlikely.
Category Archives: Business
“One Of Elon Musk’s Favorite Video Games”
Kerbal Space Program is ready to launch.
The Logic Of Vulcan
No, not about the planet, but about the new rocket. Interesting background on ULA’s engine decision.
The Tragedy Of Nepal
My thoughts on natural disasters, climate change, risk, and economics.
[Monday-morning update]
Related thoughts from David Hagen, over at Climate, Etc.
Space Policy
What’s coming up this week. Sixty Minutes should be interesting this evening.
[Afternoon update]
If you don’t want to watch the show, Space News has the transcript.
Where To Go To College
It doesn’t really matter all that much. Yes, what matters is how you go to college, and what you major in, and learn.
Raisin The Issue
It’s not a good sign when the Supreme Court literally laughs at your case.
I assume, or at least hope, that if the farmer wins, it will open up a lot of other lawsuits, to dismantle all this nonsense that goes back to the New Deal. It’s the Commerce Clause run amok.
High-Speed Cars
Honda has an alternative to both HSR and the Hyperloop.
Makes a lot more sense to me.
Space Situational Awareness
I haven’t read it yet, but this looks like an interesting paper on doing it commercially, from some people at Analytical Graphics.