Category Archives: Business

Space Settlement

Rick Tumlinson says the concept is taking hold within the space community.

Meanwhile, the Center For American Progress is having a symposium on the past and future of human spaceflight. Interestingly, as Jeff Foust notes on Twitter, NASA isn’t involved. Interesting also that it’s sponsored by a lefty institution. I suspect that this topic may set off a civil war on that side of the spectrum.

A Question About Evolution

No, not the scientific theory, the email client.

It’s sending mail, but none of the sent mail for today is showing up in the “Sent” folder. Anyone know what’s going on, or how to trouble shoot?

[Saturday-afternoon update]

OK, mystery solved. The “Sent” folder I’ve been looking at is the one that mirrors the server, and I’m seeing older message there from this week that I was sending from the server, via Roundcube, because I was on my laptop on which I’ve not set up or synched Evolution. The new ones were sent from Evolution, and were stored in the generic “Sent” folder. So I haven’t lost them, but they’re in a different place.