Category Archives: Business
AI GIrlfriends
…are not your friends.
Rare Earths
If the government doesn’t get in the way, maybe they don’t have to be so rare.
The Age Of Greta Thunberg
…is over. As noted, environmentalism has totalitarian roots.
The Libertarian Revolution
…in Latin America. Now, if we could only get one here.
Journalistic Fraud
Bill Ackman calls out the WaPo.
More Terrible Trial Coverage
I may respond later, but I have to think about it. As usual, the comments are lunacy.
[mid-morning update]
Thoughts from Will Bates.
[Update a few minutes later]
Reflections from (trial witness for the defense) Roger Pielke, Jr.
[Update a few more minutes later]
More thoughts from “Sharon F.”
[Update a few more minutes later]
A good comment from Roger’s substack.
[Afternoon update]
Joe Bastardi weighs in on the hockey stick.
[Monday-morning update]
More from Clarice Feldman. Though I have not stated any plans to appeal. The only reason I’m unhappy about the verdict is that the jury mistakenly found that I acted with malice, despite no evidence of it.
a German Politician
…with the strength of Margaret Thatcher.
I hope she leads a revolution on the Continent.
The Latest SPS Study From NASA
…is worse than worthless.
Open Borders And Closed COurts
” It is like watching your house burn down as the fire department works primarily to prevent anyone else from putting it out.”