Jonathan Turley , on the latest attempt to suppress non-leftist speech.
[Update a few minutes later]
Tyler Cowen is getting tired of this .
[Sunday-afternoon update]
Learn about the “whole of society .”
[Monday-morning update]
More from Powerline. I hope he sues them into oblivion.
Falcon 9 has returned to flight after only a couple weeks:
They’ve made launch routine.
Yes .
We normal people have to recognize that these people hate us and want us dead. Kamala said that her ideology is that “everyone ends up at the same place .” That is the creed of the communists always, only way for that to happen is for that place to be the grave. We have to take them seriously.
Presumably, these rights would apply to space rocks as well. Let me be the first to represent them: I declare their right to be made useful.
Amazon is losing billions on Alexa.
How does NASA get more competition against SpaceX?
Jeff Foust reviews what looks to be an interesting new book on NASA’s safety culture.
Why Zoomers won’t show their feet .
To be fair, the Internet and porn have created a lot of social dysfunction, including terrible sex (at least for women, but probably men as well).
This is the end of it as we know it.
[Update a few minutes later]
Meet the new boss, same as the old .
[Update a while later]
Biden passes the torch. On a speakerphone .
Why women are the new campus radicals .
Well, it’s because women are now dominating academia.
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