WRONG on saturated fat 🥓 WRONG on calorie counting🫃 WRONG on grains 🌾 WRONG on salt🧂 WRONG on toxic veg oils 🌽 WRONG on vaccine safety, efficacy & transmission 💉 WRONG on masks 😷 WRONG on lockdowns 🔐
This is a good day to tell you that the term “privileged” is over. For about ten years now, this term has been used as a weapon against others. That’s over now. This characterization of someone as “coming from a place of privilege“…
It’s still a couple months until Trump is inaugurated, but people have lost their fear. Though I suspect that it will take longer to cleanse academia, particularly of the anti-Semitism. But I expect a lot of those who have been the worst on campus may end up being (finally) deported.
[Update a couple minutes later[
The left will not go quietly. No, the fight has just begun, but the people are willing to do it now, and will not be cowed by them any longer.
Bob Zimmerman says that the American populace has awakened against the woke.
I’m sure that there are many NASA staffers hoping to flush it, but I wonder what percentage? It’s my impression that a lot of younger NASA people are woke.
1/ This teacher admits she doesn't know when America was founded. She also says she doesn't teach her students the curriculum, but instead teaches about protesting anti-racism, activism, and Black Lives Matter.