I’m going to take a break in conference converage to announce that Iowahawk, who has been AWOL during the entire month of April, has apparently not been abducted by a horde of beer-swilling, cheese-eating Amazons from Racine. Or if so, they let him near his computer long enough to tell us that things have been happening to him. Maybe that was just one of the things.
Category Archives: Administrative
He’s Alive!
I’m going to take a break in conference converage to announce that Iowahawk, who has been AWOL during the entire month of April, has apparently not been abducted by a horde of beer-swilling, cheese-eating Amazons from Racine. Or if so, they let him near his computer long enough to tell us that things have been happening to him. Maybe that was just one of the things.
He’s Alive!
I’m going to take a break in conference converage to announce that Iowahawk, who has been AWOL during the entire month of April, has apparently not been abducted by a horde of beer-swilling, cheese-eating Amazons from Racine. Or if so, they let him near his computer long enough to tell us that things have been happening to him. Maybe that was just one of the things.
Checking In
I’m at the conference, and the hotel has wireless everywhere, both rooms and conference rooms. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to be able to connect to it with my D-Link card. It shows up when I do a site survey, but it won’t connect. When I borrowed an SMC card from the front desk and installed it, it connects, but I don’t get name resolution. I can ping known IPs on the internet, but it doesn’t know what (for example) “yahoo.com” is.
I’m typing this on a machine in the hotel business center, hoping that someone might have an idea what the problem might be.
As far as the conference goes, it’s largely the usual suspects so far, and nothing new, at least not in the presentations. More tomorrow, perhaps.
[Friday morning update]
I’m blogging live from the conference now. Michael Mealing figured out that the hotel’s DNS service is confused in such a way that XP, which is more forgiving of such things, didn’t mind, but various flavors of Unix and W2K do. He managed to find the right numbers via a DNS query, I hardwired them into my network connection, and all is right with the world again. Posts will appear as events warrant.
Off To Phoenix
If I have connectivity in the hotel, I’ll be blogging from the conference, and in any event, hope to check in later. If not, though, back on Monday.
Those who read the byline on the last three posts will notice that I have a guest blogger, Sam Dinkin. Sam is a regular contributor to The Space Review, but wants to start publishing (on both space, and other topics) more than once a week. So if the rate of new content picks up noticeably in the next few days, that will be why.
Checking In
I couldn’t get the broadband in the room to work last night, but it’s working now. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), I’ve had a long day, and a big dinner of barbecue, and I’m beat. Probably not much new until Friday, since I’m at the workshop all day tomorrow, then flying back to Florida tomorrow evening, with a late arrival.
There are plenty of other great blogs over to the left, though.
Off To Alabama
No banjo on my knee, though. I may check in tonite–my room supposedly has broadband.
Light Posting
For the next three days or so. I’m off to Huntsville for a workshop on VSE, but also, I burned the fingers on my right hand on a hot dish tonight, so typing is problematic…
I’m hoping they’ll feel better on the morrow.
[Tuesday morning update]
I was being a baby. Just the middle finger has a little patch of blister on it, and not where I contact the keys–the others are fine. But I’ll still be busy.
I’ve found it useful whenever suffering a minor injury like that (and it really was trivial, though it hurt like hell for an hour or two) to think of the vastly more horrendous, almost unimaginable things that happen every day to people in regimes like Iran (and no longer, for the most part, in Iraq), in order to stop feeling sorry for myself.
Nothing To Say
Sorry, just one of those days. Or weeks.
Working on a book, and feeling a little burnt out.