My return flight went much better than the trip to Detroit. Lines reasonable, seat reclined, took off and landed on time. And about a third the price (since Spirit sells each leg separately). I may take another chance on them.
Of course, I’m back just in time to watch upcoming Hurricane Dean bearing down on us sometime next week.
We’re flying up to Detroit this evening, and then driving up to Houghton Lake, Michigan, for the wedding of a second cousin (or is it first cousin, once removed? Whatever the daughter of a first cousin would be…).
Don’t know if I’ll have Internet this weekend, or time to post. Sunday night I’ll be down in Ann Arbor, where I will have Internet (though possibly still no time). Anyway, I’ll be back Tuesday morning, when things should start to get back to normal, except things are very busy in general, as its SBIR season for NASA, and I’m busy writing proposals due the first week of September.
Somehow, I did something to screw up the scoring system for the junk folder. All of my perfectly good emails are coming in with a junk score of 100, which means that I never get any email in my Inbox (spam, on the other hand, gets much lower scores, since 100 is the highest possible one). I always have to go to the Junk folder after downloading, and tell Eudora that they’re not junk, to transfer them into the Inbox, but it never seems to learn. Anyone have any idea what the problem might be?
I just switched to using my web host for mail. I should have done this years ago, but I didn’t realize that I could (and still authenticate SMTP from the road). I’ve now abandoned Bell South for DNS, for Usenet, and for email. All I use them for now is just a data pipe. I have to say, though, that it did have a good spam filter, which my new mail host doesn’t. On the other hand, the spam filter may have been one of the reasons I was missing legitimate mail.
I haven’t been getting email notification of comments. This isn’t just an inconvenience–it means that the spammers can have their way with the blog, and I don’t even know about it. I’m putting this post up as a place for testing and troubleshooting for me and the sysadmin.
Heavy aftenoon thunderstorms knocked out my phone line yesterday, along with DSL. I’m posting this from my Treo, but it’s too slow to allow blogging with any facility. It’s supposed to be fixed sometime today. We’ll see…
I’ve finally gotten around to adding some long-overdue space blogs to the blogroll. I’ve also moved some of the dead links to the AWOL list. Finally, I created a new category, called “Futurism/Transhumanism.” The only blogs I have there now are The Speculist and Future Pundit, but if anyone can think about others (or space blogs I’ve missed) let me know.